Edison Beacons

Edison Program


Edison Beacons is a YMCA youth development program located in Northeast Minneapolis within Edison High School.  This program offers exciting, relevant and engaging enrichment activities such as barbershop, boxing, breakdancing, hip hop, GSA, chess and so much more along with academic help by partnering with other program within the high school.

Edison Beacons concentrates on building positive relationship, meeting young people where they are at, building on strengths and having fun while learning and growing together.  We engage high school students as leaders and learners through a variety of opportunities for skill building, positive decision making, connecting to positive peers and adults and creating leadership opportunities.

Our goal is to help young people develop skills needed to become a successful adult and to graduate from high school all the while creating a powerful sense of belonging and identity in their community and school.  

Program is FREE to all participants and runs Monday-Friday from 3:00 to 5:00.  Snacks are provided each day.

We take into consideration YOUTH voice and YOUTH choice: Having young people the decision makers of program- determining their clubs!



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